Whether you would prefer to call them lecterns, podiums or rostrums, these items of furniture remain popular for a speaker to rest his notes and address an audience. We work alongside many global corporations; there is always a demand for an elegant lectern. That is why have skilfully crafted these beautiful elegant lecterns.
The lecterns are purposely designed so as not to divert the focus from the speaker and his message. Elaborate decor has not been used but instead they have been tastefully designed to complement the speaker. We have designed a range of lecterns, one of which includes the added advantage of useful storage underneath. Other lecterns are made with a simple single solid pedestal that is just as elegant. The different wood veneers available allow plenty of room for individual styles and preferences.
We are extremely flexible and are happy to design and manufacture any bespoke lecterns for customers. Whether it is changing the lecterns height, width and design, we will work with clients to make it just right. Technology requirements within the lecterns can be discussed and accommodated. Beautifully made lecterns and podiums have been made to look smart and be as functional as possible.