At Margolis Chairs we strongly believe in supplying the right chair to suit your size and shape, and your working environment.
The first Spynamics chair was designed in a modular fashion ensuring that each of the key areas of the spine (the pelvic, the lumbar and the thoracic) received optimal support. Created together with the expertise of osteopath Stephen Green, we have used state-of-the-art material technologies combined with the latest in adjustable seating controls to bring the concept of spinal dynamics into the workplace. One of the unique features of Spynamics is the triangulation of support provided by the pelvic module cushion and the three way adjustable lumbar. We use a pump lumbar on our unique height and depth adjustable lumbar cradle. These combine to provide back comfort that surpasses all other orthopedic chairs. The Spynamics range of chairs promote correct seating posture, thereby aiding those with existing back complaints as well as helping others to avoid potential problems.
At Margolis Chairs we strongly believe in supplying the right chair to suit your size and shape, and your working environment.
With this in mind we carry out chair fittings at your desk or workplace, to identify the best chair.
We have been trained with FIRA (Furniture Industry Research Association) and are qualified to carry out workstation assessments.
We can pick up on any habits that might be contributing to your bad posture, as well as manufacture you one of our standard or made to measure chairs, for your long term seated comfort.
We use our downloadable measurement form to measure:
We help you achieve correct sitting by making the correct seat for you, by encouraging your pelvis to achieve your seated ‘neutral’ position and by fitting your back to the correct combination of our two or three way adjustable lumbar and one of our 14 back shapes. The underseat mechanism will further help you find the optimum seat height, back and seat tilt while ensuring your feet touch the ground and your arms are at 90 degrees to the keyboard.Furthermore, our workplace-assessor trained staff will be able to give additional advice on your workstation set-up: your desk and monitor height specifically but not exclusively.